Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In Like A Lion

March is finally here, after an especially long February, but as we all know in Calgary, we may still have another three to four weeks of winter left. I have to be optimistic about spring though, so here's my first lightweight shawl in awhile. This is "Oyster Bay Shawl" from Ocean Wind Knits done in Mama E laceweight merino.

This shawl is so pretty, it's already flown from my house.

Olive green socks for the husband, to wrap his large paddle feet like comfy canvas. They're called "Embossed Leaf Socks" from Interweave Timeless Socks, knit in Koigu.

These are for me. They are the "RPM Socks" from Knitty. The colour is "Pirate's Booty" in Socks That Rock Lightweight. They're cosy and comfy.