Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Swinging Socks for swinging lovers

I am finishing socks right, left and centre right now. I think this is what's called a "roll" and I am definitely on it.

Here are socks for Daddy in Schaefer Anne in a plain top-down sock. He calls them his "spider-man" socks, I'm not quite sure why but it makes him happy.

Mine are from Interweave's Favorite Socks book, the very first pattern called "Retro Rib". They are knit in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in "Lakeview" colourway. I like them alot as they are ribbed and stay up better than any sock I've knit so far for myself.

1 comment:

sarahcee said...

i got ur comment and that really helped! im making it for a maltese puppy and expecting it to grow a bit by winter. thanks so much i *think* i have enough.